The possible aspects are the parallel and the contra-parallel. Aspects are formed in this dimension also, the declinations. From this vantage point, the planets move in a curve, north or south of the ecliptic. Dimensions If we think of the rotational dimension that we see in astrological charts as a "plate", then we can turn this plate to look at it sideways. A planet that's in a sector of the chart, be it a house or a sign, is transformed by the energy of any other planets that it's in 30-degree aspect to. So that gives us an idea what can happen in the normal, rotational dimension that western astrology works in, the geocentric longitudes. This illustrates why many people feel the sun-sign description that's supposedly about them is missing the mark. So what started out as a somewhat lethargic Piscean has now been transformed into a competitive person, someone who may be good at sports. Let's say that both the sun and Mars are also in trine aspect to Pluto, which makes you competitive and perhaps dominant. But let's also say your sun is in trine aspect to Mars, which will make you energetic and physical, perhaps even warlike. This is supposed to make you sensitive and creative. The failure of Sun signs Let us assume you are a Piscean sun.

This is exactly what Magi Astrology is based on, correct planetary symbolism and planetary geometry. It's the same with signs, their importance have been overstated and any planet that is colored by the energy of a sign will be much more influenced by any planets that aspects it. Houses require the exact time of birth, there are also several conflicting "house systems," and their importance has been overstated. First of all, in Magi Astrology we don't rely on sun signs and houses, which is where mainstream astrologers spend most of their intellectual currency. Magi Astrology is a separate body of knowledge that cannot be combined with any other system. At a first look it can appear that Magi Astrology has commonalities with mainstream astrology, but it doesn't.