the IsError function evaluates to FALSE) and the formula will return A2. If cell A1 contains "Super", the FIND function will return the numerical position of the value of "Super". Let's just quickly explain how this formula works.

In this example, cell A1 does NOT contain the value "Super", so the formula returns 0. In this case, cell A1 does contain the value "Super", so the formula returns the value found in cell A2 which is 100.
1 what does ctrl u do excel windows#
For Microsoft Windows programs such as Excel, pushing CTRL and W. However, there are some basic functions that are commonly achieved by this combination. Its function depends on the program, operating system and localization used.

If you see two letters next to each other instead of just one e.g., ‘FP’ for Format Painter in the Home tab image above just type both letters in sequence (they don’t have to. The keyboard combination 'CTRL W' or 'CTRL+W' means pushing both the CTRL key and the W key at the same time. Press Ctrl+Enter instead of the normal Enter you otherwise would How is this use. Select multiple cells where you want to type 2. I'm unable to use the FIND function because if cell A1 does not contain "Super", the FIND function returns the #VALUE! error which does not let me sum column A.Īnswer: To make sure that do not return any #VALUE! errors when using the FIND function, you need to also use the ISERROR function in your formula.īased on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following FIND examples would return: =IF(ISERROR(FIND("Super",A1,1))=TRUE,0,A2) To continue with some examples, If you type ‘1’ (or Alt-H-1) you’ll format with Bold (same as Ctrl+B or Ctrl+2) since the 1 is the access key for Bold. Answer (1 of 3): As Jeanne and Waseem have mentioned, it basically helps you to type something into multiple cells at once. Objective: If A1 contains "Super", then I want A3=A2. Question: In Microsoft Excel, I have the value "Supermarket" in cell A1 and 100 in cell A2.